Sabtu, 27 November 2010

One busy day ....

It's been a while since we're updating this blog.

Hopefully, from now on we can regularly updating this blog with everything about DEADSEVENTIES, either it's about our new stuffs, events or just about anything.

We can't deny, that Jakcloth does really making us really really busy.
We have to multi-tasked ourselves, it sounds a bit exhausting yet we considered it was FUN.
For example, at one time we have to do some designing or promoting that means we have to be-friended with our computers while on the other times we're so busy checking the production, counting the stuffs that comes in and out, and on some other times we're dealing with carpentry tools making attributes and properties for our booth.

Despite of the big cut-off of our sleeping time, we're absolutely enjoying ourselves getting all the ideas and energy to make everything comes into perfection.

Here are some photos from one of our busy days at Deadseventies headquarter.

This is our headquarter. In normal way, we can call it "Management Office", but Headquarter fits us better. We do all the thinking here. Designing, making concept, organizing and managing.

Well it looks kinda messy from the outside, but wait until you see on the inside. It is more messy than this.  Despite the messiness, it is a homey and comfort Headquarter. Just like the wise man says, creative people can't work in tidiness :p

Below, are some other photos ..
I won't explain much about these photos. I am sure that seeing these photos will make you somehow understand about us, the madness, the solidness, the creativity and of course the FUN. Because a photo can tell thousands stories and million feelings :)

left to right : Anto, Iduy, lalan, Irfan

are you trying to cut something, mister ?

Iduy with his wide smile, while Asta on the back lost in his own mind

drawing a circle using a trash-bin ? aah.. Genius !! ^^v

Less then a week to go before JakCloth Year End Sale 2010, so little time, so much to do ..
But the energy never runs out.

That's it for now, wait for the next update.

Until then.. stay Rock n Roll, Guys !!!!

DEADSEVENTIES on JakCLoth Year End Sale 2010

Guys, JakCloth Year End Sale 2010 is coming !!

Sebagai salah satu event Clothing and Distro Exhibiton terbesar, JakCloth akan berlangsung pada tanggal 3 Desember 2010 sampai 5 Desember 2010 dan bertempat di Plaza Tenggara Senayan, Jakarta.

Event ini tiga-hari diikuti oleh lebih dari 150 Clothing and Distro, dan tentu saja DEADSEVENTIES !!
Akan ada live perfomance dari band-band yang keren, Bungee Trampolin dan Kompetisi Skateboard.

Jadi tandai kalender kamu, siapkan extra shopping fund dan datang ke JakCloth Year End Sale 2010 karena DEADSEVENTIES di booth 2 hadir dengan berbagai kamu produk terbaik kami dengan harga khusus (tentu saja!), games dan hadiah menarik tentunya.

Dan jangan lupa untuk mengunjungi Fanpage DEADSEVENTIES di Facebook, berpartisipasi di kuis dan kamu raih kesempatan memenangkan T-Shirt GRATIS kami.